As a company specializing in wind turbine foundation design, we provide resilient solutions that can withstand strong winds, earthquakes, and other natural forces. Our foundations, tailored to each project, are customized to meet our clients’ needs and are designed considering local soil conditions.
Quality and reliability are our top priorities at every stage, and we focus on achieving the best results using the latest technology for environmentally friendly and sustainable energy production.
Structural Calculation
- Soil Pressure Calculation
- Bearing Capacity for Foundation
- Bearing Capacity for Bored Pile
- Sliding Resistance Check
- Overturninng Resistance Check
- Rotational Stiffnes and Settlement Check
- Strut and Tie Method
- Reinforcement Design (Ring, Radial,Shear ,Tensile Splitting, Anchorage,Pile Reinf.)
- Punching Verification
- Crack Control
- Concrete and Grout Compressive Stress Check
- Fatigue Verification for Concrete and Reinforcement
Steps applied in wind turbine foundation design:
Evaluation and Analysis of the Project:
- Understanding the needs of the customer.
- Determining project objectives and constraints.
- Examination of topographic data.
Soil and Foundation Design:
- Analysis and evaluation of soil geology.
- Determination of foundation type.
- Determination of foundation dimensions and structural requirements.
- Ensuring compliance with local standards and regulations.
Load Calculations and Analysis:
- Detailed calculations of wind turbine loads.
- Identification of load sources (wind, vibration, structural loads, etc.).
- Structural analysis (e.g., finite element analysis).
Engineering and Modeling:
- Detailed modeling of the foundation and turbine system using computer-aided engineering (CAD, ALLPLAN, etc.) software.
- Conducting structural strength analysis.
Integration of Wind Turbine and Foundation:
- Ensuring integration of the foundation with the wind turbine.
- Implementation of safety measures and engineering requirements.
Permits and Regulations:
- Ensuring compliance with local regulations and permits.
- Obtaining necessary permits and document preparation.
Application and Construction Process:
- Provision of consultancy services for quality control during the construction and installation process.
2942 MW
Installed Power
1163 Wind
Turbine Projects
173 Satisfied
Standards and Regulations: Specific Wind Guidelines and Local Country Regulations
- DNV/Riso Guidelines for Design of Wind turbines.
- EN 61400-1 (IEC 61400-1) Wind Turbines Part-1 Design requirements
- EN 1991-1-1:2002 Actions on structures
- EN 1992-1-1:2004 Design of concrete structures
- EN 1993-1-1:2005 Design of steel structures
- Eurocode 7 1997-1:2004 Geotechnical design
- EN 206-1:2006 Concrete Part 1: spcification,performance, production and conformity
- ACI 318-05 :Building code requirements for structural concrete